Tahoe Massage & Wellness Oasis
Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health and well-being by creating a space to heal and nurture your body, unwind tension, and melt away pain. We take pride in our excellent professionalism, experience & knowledge.

Massage Services
Hour Appointments start at $140.
We do offer Local Club prices.
Canceling treatments within 24hours of your appointment will result in a $50 cancellation fee.
No call/no shows will be charged the entire amount of the services missed.
Shared Care Service With
Aligned Chiropractic
We offer special discounts to our Oasis members to receive care with Aligned Chiropractic services
and for Aligned Chiropractic members to receive massage sessions at a special price.

Chiropractic Care Packages
Must be an Oasis member and booked through your practitioner.

Chiropractic with
Laser or Ultra sound
Must be an Oasis member and booked through your practitioner.

Massage sessions discounted
Must be an Aligned Chiro member and booked through Dr. Mel.
Book Now
298 Kingsbury Grade, Suite 2H&2K
Stateline, NV 89449
Office Hours Mon-Sun 9am-7pm